Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Polina's February Favorites

Sorry for the absence! I decided to do my February Favorites since its pretty much the end! Its been an awesome month, I have some fun beauty and non beauty favorites.

I am completely in love with Revlon, its a problem. My number one love of theirs is the Revlon ColorStay Blemish Concealer (I am in fair, obviously the lightest color). I use this almost every day if I wear make up. On a regular school day I use it without any kind of foundation and it works wonders to make me look not zombie like. 
Second, I have my new favorite blush. This is a MAC blush in Breathe of Plum. I can honestly say the name is a bit misleading because its just a bit darker of a pink rather than plummy. I think its such a beautiful color and looks natural. It blends easy and stays well, not too overwhelming on the face. I recommend it for any season!
Most of my monthly favorites will probably usually be things that I wear on a regular basis. This is definitely a winner of that category. This is the Rimmel Kate Moss Collection Lipstick in #104. This can be found at almost any drugstore. I think its a muted version of my previously mentioned Tarte lipstick in "Playful". Its a very natural plum based color that adds the perfect edge to a more natural look.  
My next favorite is one that most of you are probably not surprised by. This is the Naked Basics Palette, a present from Masha for the holidays! I've been wearing this just on any regular day or spicing it up with a night look. I love all the colors, I think its a great range. I heard that it can look chalky on a darker skin tone, fortunately I don't have that problem. It applies smoothly and beautifully. 
The Naked Basics is a great over my next favorite, MAC Paint Pot in Painterly. Even though this product is a little pricey ($18.50) it was worth every single penny. Regardless if I choose to wear any make up, I will usually be sporting this on my eyes. It is a perfect match for my skin tone and it covers up any redness/purple on my lids. In general, it makes me look a lot more awake, and works as a perfect base. I have never had problems with creasing. I strongly recommend this product, MAC has other skin based Paint Pots that might be better suited for darker skin tones. 
Lastly, another holiday present, this is the Acqua de Gioia perfume by Giorgio Armani. I have no idea how to describe its smell just that I feel that I can wear it on days that I am dressed a little nicer, or a date night! The website has a pretty good explanation of the smell, but the gist is that it is a clean and aquatic scent. Smells wonderful!
Time for some non-beauty favorites! First and foremost, my AWESOME armadillo necklace that was gifted to me on Valentine's Day! He is from Madewell and I know they also have a matching ring. Armadillos are my favorite animal and this was a perfect addition to my everyday outfits! He comes on an adjustable chain that is thin, but durable. Can be a shorter or longer necklace. It's definitely great quality and the best gift ever!
A disclaimer to this next favorite: I know NOTHING about correct gym footwear. All I know is that these shoes are amazing. They're my gift from my parents for the holidays and I fell in love as soon and I put them on. They feel like I am barely wearing shoes, but at the same time add proper protection. I am in love! Unfortunately, I couldn't find these exact shoes, but Nike features this collection on their website. 
Since I am in college its hard to find leisure reading time, but I have found a way to find time to read this book because it sucks me in every time. The Purity Myth by Jessica Valenti. I am a Sociology major with a focus on sex and gender so this is something I was interested in. If you are into books the challenge your perceptions and way of thinking, I highly recommend it! It focuses on the United State's view on virginity and it's affect on women. Also, check out Jessica Valenti, she's pretty awesome and fun to read about if you're into feminist study. She has several websites and blogs to follow. 
FINALLY, I watch a lot of YouTube and its usually a set regular amount of people. I was excited to finally find a new beauty person to watch! Her name on YouTube is That Gibson Girl and she doesn't have too many videos, but the ones that she does have are so funny and actually fun to watch. Her tutorials are helpful as well as entertaining. If you are more of a blog lover, she has one of those as well. 

Thank you for reading! You're awesome.


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